Sponsor The Dancer’s Fund
Join Boulder Ballet in celebrating our dancers and curated works this season. The Dancer’s Fund Sponsorships provide critical support for our company artists and new works.
Support the company’s growth and development – Contribute To The Dancer’s Fund
10,000 covers the average cost of a new commission
$5,500 pays for a full week of company salaries
$2,500 pays for travel and housing for a week of touring
$1,000 pays our target rate for the dancer wellness program – Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, Massage etc.
$750 pays for one week of a dancer’s salary at our target rate for next season
$500 helps to bring in a nationally renowned choreographer – pay for their flight
$100 pays for one pair of pointe shoes
$50 supports cost of a company class teacher for one hour of teaching
Name recognition in the program and website
Invitation to artist talkback series
Invitation to open rehearsals
…And more!
Questions about benefits for each level? Please reach out to Leah@boulderballet.org